von Anonymus am 11.02.2022
I find immense pleasure in writing a review that I’m very satisfied with my recent purchases from Styles-24 Music Software. The styles (song-style) are well arranged and organized in a meticulous way. Most song styles come with all necessary materials (instructions, lyrics, scores, midis, tutorial videos, etc.) for easy learning and mastering the songs. With my intermediate playing level, it takes a minimum practice and shorter time to master a song.
I’m also amazed about the post-sale support. Wolfgang was very responsive to my needs. Knowing that I was absent from playing for a long time, he took the time and efforts putting everything together in one package without my request (perhaps, his thought was trying to save me time reading through the FAQ). Once I received the package, with a few mouse clicks and… BOOM, everything is ready to go.
One incident, I couldn’t get my volume pedal to work dues to the registration triggered a change in my Genos settings. I sent him an email about it and almost immediately - even with time different between Germany and the U.S - he responded me with his expert option/advice about the volume pedal. And I wholeheartedly agreed with him on that point.
Wolfgang, it’s been a pleasure. And I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate your time, efforts, advice and look forward to continuing our business relationship.
I highly recommend Wolfgang’s song-style arrangements to everyone who plays Arranger Keyboards.
Ken Nguyen - USA
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